Start your Eye Care Journey in our Melbourne Dry Eye Clinic!
Our advanced Dry Eye Therapeutics offer expert care and cutting-edge treatments to relieve discomfort and improve eye health. Don’t let dryness affect your daily life—schedule a consultation today and experience lasting relief!

Of people suffer from Dry Eyes
Of symptoms Improve with IPL
The effects of IPL last for >60% of cases
Dry Eye: A Growing Problem
Up to 50% of the population suffers from Dry Eye. Severe cases of Dry Eye can make you experience pain/discomfort similar to those suffering from disabiling hip fracture. Our dedicated Dry Eye Clinic in Melbourne is here for you. For more information Click Here.

Diagnosis of Dry Eye
The highly experienced Optometrist will use advanced imaging to accurately diagnose your type of dry eye. Unsure if you have dry eye? Contact Us to book an appointment.

Specialised Dry Eye Treatments
Following accurate diagnosis of the type and severity of your Dry Eye, the optometrist will formulate a tailored treatment plan specific for your dry eyes.
The usual and first line treatment of dry eye is eye drops. However, with moderate to severe cases, drops are usually insufficient or impractical to use severeal times a day. Other Specialised treatments (such as IPL) have been clinically proven for the treatment of Dry Eyes. Most Optometrists in Australia do not have access to these specialised treatments. Fortunately, our Melbourne Dry Eye clinic can be your one stop for dry eye management. We have all the latest devices and technologies to treat Dry Eyes effectively with the goal of lowering dependence on drops. Contact us today.
Take action now
The Meibomian Glands will begin to fail (picture C) if your dry eye is not managed effectively, early! Failure of these glands to work could mean having dry eyes for LIFE. Contact Us to seek expert care at your local Dry Eye clinic in Niddrie, Melbourne.


Intense Pulse Light (IPL)
Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Treatment What is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)? Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes broad-spectrum light to target various skin conditions, including those affecting the eyes. Initially developed for cosmetic purposes, IPL…

Blepharitis Treatment
Blepharitis Treatment (ZEST) What is Blepharitis? Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid margins that often leads to symptoms such as redness, irritation, and crusting. Some causes for you to be aware of include bacterial infections, dermatitis and a parasite…

Eye Gland Expression
Eye Gland Expression for Dry Eye Relief What is Eye Gland Expression? Eye gland expression is a technique used to treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a common cause of dry eyes. The Meibomian glands are located along the eyelid margins…

Customised Eye Drops
Eye Drop Regimen for Dry Eye Relief What is a Customised Eye Drop Regimen? A tailored approach to treating dry eye syndrome, addressing the specific needs and underlying causes of each patient’s condition. By combining various types of eye drops,…